Casual Dress Code
One of the instances is the clothes one wears to office. Mostly as organisations have it, formals are to be worn to work. While some have casual dress code syndrome some have formals even on Saturdays. As the working professional gets immersed in work and the atmosphere, he or she gets to wearing formals anywhere and everywhere.
Casual Dress Code
Infact the senior creative guys wear dusty torn jeans, a shirt pulled out and slippers on bare feet. Similarly organisations with this attitude like publications, magazine houses and tour agencies allow their employees to casual dress code. And does that work. Employees are motivated to get the work done than staring at each others branded clothes.

Casual Dress Code
With the casual dress code policy anybody can wear what they please so there is less thinking in the morning as to what do I wear today and employees show up on time. Being speculative about how employees will change their attitude with the casual dress code work code is natural. Like Saturdays and Fridays are dress down days.